Oooooooh- New Music On the Way!

Heads up- after a lot of hemming and hawing, a fair bit of procrastinating and screwing around, and many many fits and starts, there is new music! I know I … [Read more…]
Heads up- after a lot of hemming and hawing, a fair bit of procrastinating and screwing around, and many many fits and starts, there is new music! I know I … [Read more…]
Ooooooo- new live video! Back in September we played a little get-together here in Colorado called the Casey Jones fest. It takes place at a really beautiful spot west of … [Read more…]
Take that headline any way you want. It’s a new year, I’m still here, you’re still here, and that’s good! Also, it’s a pandemic and we’re still here. So there … [Read more…]
Press, reviews, livestream announcements and some video. Last week saw the arrival of the first few reviews for Wreckage of Now. It’s fun when people get what you’re doing, and … [Read more…]
We spent a lot of time in June staring at the windshield. That’s a lot of time to think, or not. Also, cellphones all have cameras on them now (in … [Read more…]
I grew up with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. If you aren’t from Minnesota we’ll forgive you for not knowing what that is. Click the link. Later on, … [Read more…]
This winter has been a grind. Not sure why, but it has. So goodbye and good riddance February. John Lennon was (I have read, but this story is probably apocryphal, … [Read more…]
It seems like every year about this time I’m writing the same post, which amounts to, “holy crap, where did the time go?” That said, summer was great, and I … [Read more…]
Well, either spring has sprung early or Climate Change is gonna kill us all. Maybe something in the middle…who knows. I’ve been writing songs and messing around with synching audio … [Read more…]
Kinda powered through the last month there didn’t we? Fall is always busy, which can be a bummer, since it’s also my favorite time of year. I had a couple … [Read more…]