Ask any kid, stickers are cool. We all like stickers, ’cause they’re, well, sticky. And fun. You can stick ’em places. All kinds of places- cars, bars, walls, halls, cases, faces. It’s like freakin’ Dr. Seuss, only better ’cause you’ve got stickers.

At least, if you pre-order Dirt & Heartache you do.
Pre-order a CD, and when we ship it, we’ll throw a bunch of stickers in too! Then you’ll have a CD, and STICKERS!
The stickers were designed by Terry Kishiyama, who also did the awesome design for the CD and cover. Click here to pre-order the CD and get some cool stickers. Yes, you can also pre-order from Amazon and iTunes. And that’s cool. But NO STICKERS FOR YOU if you go that route. So click on over to the music page, hit the yellow PayPal button, and get in on the sticker fun.

Stickers on cases! They’ll look even better on yours.
We’ll have stickers at the release show at Oskar Blues on March 12 as well. Of course. Because they’re cool.
Follow me wherever you are!