Hey, the new single, ‘Hands of Fate,’ is out nooooooow.
Go stream it 8-9000 times for me will ya. Click Here to connect to all the popular streaming sites.
Where do songs come from? Well, I wish I knew. Out of the ether I think. They just appear. Also, we work for them.
This song came from a prompt in a songwriting group I’m in- Thanks Timmy Reardon. I actually had the last line first, and then tried to figure out who would say that and why. And so you end up with a story about both a bank robbery and a romance gone wrong.
We’ve been playing this song live for quite a while, and so already had a clear sense of it’s vibe when we went to record it. Something I really love about the sound of this recording is that there is almost no difference between the recorded song and how we play it live. The only big change you’ll hear is wether we have a drummer playing with us or not (we often perform as a trio). Other than that, what you hear is what you get. The studio and playing live are two different things- two separate pallets so to speak. It doesn’t bother me to put out a studio recording that sounds a bit different than the live song, but it is fun to have some recordings capture us doing what we do day-in and day-out at shows.
Also, the streamlined production allows you to really hear John’s awesome guitar lines, and Derek’s killer bass. So I like that too. What each of those guys brings to what we are doing has become really important to my sense of songs over the last few years, so I love that this song lets them stand out a bit. If you like linernotes and lyrics, you can find them here.
We may get to do a more narrative video for this song down the line, but for this release I put together a lyric video using footage from live shows over the past year or so. Special should out to Lex who was taking pics for us at Broadway Roxy in Denver recently and got some great video clips that I used in the video. All the rest of the footage is stuff we captured or came from friends who had clips. Hope you dig it!