Happy February. The wind here is blowing 45 miles per hour, but it’s 60 degrees. I have no idea what to make of that.
The big news is in the headline- new merch in the store, including, for the first time ever, some shirts in women’s sizes/styles. The women in my household insisted on your behalf. Of course, we have regular t-shirts as well. Also some new stickers with the new logo. Huge shout out to Amanda Visger who did the art work. She’s awesome and very cool, and you should buy some stickers from her on her store at Ramblin Arts! Amanda is also on insta at Ramblin Arts. She makes a lot o cool stuff.

Black Logo Shirt- Women’s
NextLevel women’s cotton t-shirt.
There are some new stickers with the logo, and hats are coming soon! We’ll have the new merch at shows as well, so if you come out to see us in Denver or Fort Collins this month we’ll have some cool stuff for ya. Our Denver show on the 21st will be a full band show at the Roxy on Broadway. You should definitely come out!
John and I kicked off the year with a duo show in Longmont last month- thanks to the Bricks for having us and all the nice folks who came out (Derek, we missed ya- that stage felt a little empty). I’m trying to do a better job with video capture this year, so here’a clip from that show shot on a new camera I got just for that purpose. I promise more video is coming.
This song was the last song we recorded for a forthcoming album (sometime mid year?). I’m really excited to have you hear the studio version, and I think John and I did a pretty good job with it as a duo.
Be safe, stay warm, do your best to stay sane, and see ya out there- JS
Follow me wherever you are!